NAV Navbar
  • MJML Guides
  • Installation
  • Development
  • Usage
  • Getting Started
  • Basic layout example
  • Components
  • Standard Head components
  • Standard Body components
  • Community components
  • Ports and Language Bindings
  • Validating MJML
  • Creating a Component
  • Using MJML in JSON
  • Tooling
  • Drag-and-drop interface
  • MJML Guides

    MJML is a markup language designed to reduce the pain of coding a responsive email. Its semantic syntax makes it easy and straightforward and its rich standard components library speeds up your development time and lightens your email codebase. MJML’s open-source engine generates high quality responsive HTML compliant with best practices.


    MJML rolls up all of what Mailjet has learned about HTML email design over the past few years and abstracts the whole layer of complexity related to responsive email design.

    Get your speed and productivity boosted with MJML’s semantic syntax. Say goodbye to endless HTML table nesting or email client specific CSS. Building a responsive email is super easy with tags such as <mj-section> and <mj-column>.

    MJML has been designed with responsiveness in mind. The abstraction it offers guarantee you to always be up-to-date with the industry practices and responsive. Email clients update their specs and requirements regularly, but we geek about that stuff - we’ll stay on top of it so you can spend less time reading up on latest email client updates and more time designing beautiful email.

            <mj-image width="100px" src=""></mj-image>
            <mj-divider border-color="#F45E43"></mj-divider>
            <mj-text font-size="20px" color="#F45E43" font-family="helvetica">Hello World</mj-text>

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    You can install MJML with NPM to use it with NodeJS or the Command Line Interface. If you're not sure what those are, head over to Usage for other ways to use MJML.

    npm install mjml


    To work on MJML, make changes and create merge requests, download and install yarn for easy development.

    git clone && cd mjml
    yarn build

    You can also run yarn build:watch to rebuild the package as you code.



    Don't want to install anything? Use the free online editor!

    try it live

    Applications and plugins

    MJML comes with an ecosystem of tools and plugins, check out:

    For more information, check the Tooling section.
    For more tools, check the Community page.

    Command line interface

    Compiles the file and outputs the HTML generated in output.html

    mjml input.mjml -o output.html

    You can pass optional arguments to the CLI and combine them.

    argument description default value
    mjml -m [input] Migrates a v3 MJML file to the v4 syntax NA
    mjml [input] -o [output] Writes the output to [output] NA
    mjml [input] -s Writes the output to stdout NA
    mjml [input] -s --noStdoutFileComment Writes the output to stdout without an comment containing the source file in the first line the outputs first line contains the file in the format <!-- FILE: {filename} -->
    mjml -w [input] Watches the changes made to [input] (file or folder) NA
    mjml [input] --config.beautify Beautifies the output (true or false) true
    mjml [input] --config.minify Minifies the output (true or false) false
    mjml [input] --config.juicePreserveTags Preserve some tags when inlining css, see mjml-cli documentation for more info NA
    mjml [input] --config.minifyOptions Options for html minifier, see mjml-cli documentation for more info NA
    mjml [input] --config.mjmlConfigPath [mjmlconfigPath] Uses the .mjmlconfig file in the specified path or directory to include custom components The .mjmlconfig file in the current working directory, if any
    mjml [input] --config.useMjmlConfigOptions Allows to use the options attribute from .mjmlconfig file false
    mjml [input] --config.validationLevel Validation level: 'strict', 'soft' or 'skip' 'soft'

    Inside Node.js

    import mjml2html from 'mjml'
      Compile an mjml string
    const htmlOutput = mjml2html(`
                Hello World!
    `, options)
      Print the responsive HTML generated and MJML errors if any

    You can pass optional options as an object to the mjml2html function:

    option unit description default value
    fonts object Default fonts imported in the HTML rendered by MJML See in index.js
    keepComments boolean Option to keep comments in the HTML output true
    beautify boolean Option to beautify the HTML output false
    minify boolean Option to minify the HTML output false
    validationLevel string Available values for the validator: 'strict', 'soft', 'skip' 'soft'
    filePath string Full path of the specified file to use when resolving paths from mj-include components '.'
    mjmlConfigPath string The path or directory of the .mjmlconfig file process.cwd()
    useMjmlConfigOptions boolean Allows to use the options attribute from .mjmlconfig file false
    minifyOptions object Options for html minifier, see mjml-cli documentation for more info {"collapseWhitespace": true, "minifyCSS": false, "removeEmptyAttributes": true}
    juicePreserveTags boolean Optional setting when inlining css, see mjml-cli documentation for more info NA


    A free-to-use MJML API is available to make it easy to integrate MJML in your application. Head over here to learn more about the API.

    Getting Started

    This is a responsive email


    Like a regular HTML template, we can split this one into different parts to fit in a grid.

    The body of your email, represented by the mj-body tag contains the entire content of your document:


    From here, you can first define your sections:


    Inside any section, there should be columns (even if you need only one column). Columns are what makes MJML responsive.


    Below, you'll find some basic rules of MJML to keep in mind for later. We'll remind them when useful but better start learning them early on.

    Column sizing

    Auto sizing

    The default behavior of the MJML translation engine is to divide the section space (600px by default, but it can be changed with the width attribute on mj-body) in as many columns as you declare.

    Let's take the following layout to illustrate this:

            <!-- First column content -->
            <!-- Second column content -->

    Since the first section defines only 2 columns, the engine will translate that in a layout where each column takes 50% of the total space (300px each). If we add a third one, it goes down to 33%, and with a fourth one to 25%.

    Manual sizing

    You can also manually set the size of your columns, in pixels or percentage, by using the width attribute on mj-column.

    Let's take the following layout to illustrate this:

          <mj-column width="200px">
            <!-- First column content -->
          <mj-column width="400px">
            <!-- Second column content -->

    Basic layout example

    In this section, you're going to learn how to code a basic email template using MJML.

    Here is the final render we want to end with:


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    Looks cool, right?


        <!-- Company Header -->
        <mj-section background-color="#f0f0f0"></mj-section>
        <!-- Image Header -->
        <mj-section background-color="#f0f0f0"></mj-section>
        <!-- Introduction Text -->
        <mj-section background-color="#fafafa"></mj-section>
        <!-- 2 columns section -->
        <mj-section background-color="white"></mj-section>
        <!-- Icons -->
        <mj-section background-color="#fbfbfb"></mj-section>
        <!-- Social icons -->
        <mj-section background-color="#f0f0f0"></mj-section>

    First, we will implement the skeleton which are the sections. Here, our email is going to be divided into 6 sections.

    Company Header

    <!-- Company Header -->
    <mj-section background-color="#f0f0f0">
        <mj-text  align="center"
          My Company

    The first section of the email consists in a centered banner, containing only the company name. The following markup is the MJML representation of the layout we want to obtain.

    The text padding represents the inner space around the content within the mj-text element.

    Image Header

    <!-- Image Header -->
      <mj-section background-url="'s+-+70's+(2).jpg"
        <mj-column width="600px">
        <mj-text  align="center"
                      font-family="Helvetica Neue">
          Slogan here
          <mj-button background-color="#F63A4D"

    Next comes a section with a background image and a block of text (representing the company slogan) and a button pointing to a page listing all the company promotions.

    To add the image header, you will have to replace the section's background-color by a background-url. Similarly to the first header, you will have to center the text both vertically and horizontally. The padding remains the same. The button href sets the button location. In order to have the background rendered full-width in the column, set the column width to 600px with width="600px".

    Introduction Text

    <!-- Intro text -->
      <mj-section background-color="#fafafa">
            <mj-column width="400px">
              <mj-text font-style="italic"
                       font-family="Helvetica Neue"
                       color="#626262">My Awesome Text</mj-text>
                <mj-text color="#525252">
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rutrum enim eget magna efficitur, eu semper augue semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras id dui lectus. Vestibulum sed finibus lectus, sit amet suscipit nibh. Proin nec commodo purus. Sed eget nulla elit. Nulla aliquet mollis faucibus.
                <mj-button background-color="#F45E43"
                         href="#">Learn more</mj-button>

    The introduction text will consist of a title, a main text and a button. The title is a regular mj-text that can be customized.

    2 Columns Section

    <!-- Side image -->
    <mj-section background-color="white">
      <!-- Left image -->
        <mj-image width="200px"
                  src="" />
      <!-- right paragraph -->
        <mj-text font-style="italic"
                 font-family="Helvetica Neue"
            Find amazing places
          <mj-text color="#525252">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rutrum enim eget magna efficitur, eu semper augue semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras id dui lectus. Vestibulum sed finibus lectus.</mj-text>

    This sections is made up of 2 columns. One containing an image, the other one containing a text. For the image part, note that when a tag does not have any child, you can use the XML self-closing tag syntax: <mj-image />

    For the text part, you are going to need two <mj-text>s like above. One with a title format, and the other one as a regular text.


    <!-- Icons -->
    <mj-section background-color="#fbfbfb">
        <mj-image width="100px" src="" />
        <mj-image width="100px" src="" />
        <mj-image width="100px" src="" />

    This section is a 3-columns-based section. Please notice you can make the padding vary to change the space around the images.

    Social Icons

    <mj-section background-color="#e7e7e7">
          <mj-social-element name="facebook">Share</mj-social-element>

    The MJML standard components library comes with a mj-social component. Here, we're going to use facebook only.


    Components are the core of MJML. A component is an abstraction of a more complex email-responsive HTML layout. It exposes attributes, enabling you to interact with the final component visual aspect.

    MJML comes out of the box with a set of standard components to help you build easily your first templates without having to reinvent the wheel.

    For instance, the mj-button component is, on the inside, a complex HTML layout:

    <!-- MJML -->
    <mj-button href="#">
        Hello There!
    <!-- HTML -->
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:none;border-radius:3px;" align="center">
                <td style="background-color:#414141;border-radius:3px;color:#ffffff;cursor:auto;" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#414141">
                    <a class="mj-content" href="#" style="display:inline-block;text-decoration:none;background-color:#414141;border:1px solid #414141;border-radius:3px;color:#ffffff;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;padding:15px 30px;" target="_blank">
                        Hello There!


    A MJML document starts with a <mjml> tag, it can contain only mj-head and mj-body tags. Both have the same purpose of head and body in a HTML document.

    attribute unit description default value
    owa string if set to "desktop", switch force desktop version for older (self-hosted) version of that doesn't support media queries (cf. this issue) none
    lang string used as <html lang=""> attribute und
    dir string used as <html dir=""> attribute auto


    mj-head contains head components, related to the document such as style and meta elements (see head components).


    This is the starting point of your email.

        <!-- Your email goes here -->

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    attribute unit description default value
    background-color color formats the general background color n/a
    css-class           string   class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    width px email's width 600px


    The mjml-core package allows you to include external mjml files to build your email template.

    <!-- header.mjml -->
        <mj-text>This is a header</mj-text>

    You can wrap your external mjml files inside the default mjml > mj-body tags to make it easier to preview outside the main template.

    <!-- main.mjml -->
        <mj-include path="./header.mjml" />

    The MJML engine will then replace your included files before starting the rendering process.

    Other file types

    You can include external css files. They will be inserted the same way as when using a mj-style.
    You need to specify that you're including a css file using the type="css" attribute.
    If you want the css to be inlined, you can use the css-inline="inline" attribute.

    <!-- main.mjml -->
      <mj-include path="./styles.css" type="css" />
      <mj-include path="./inline-styles.css" type="css" css-inline="inline" />

    You can also include external html files. They will be inserted the same way as when using a mj-raw.
    You need to specify that you're including a html file using the type="html" attribute.

    <!-- main.mjml -->
      <mj-include path="./partial.html" type="html" />

    Standard Head components

    Head components ease your development process, enabling you to import fonts, define default styles or create classes for MJML components among others.


    Inside mj-attributes, a tag citing one MJML component (like mj-text; see example) overrides default settings for listed MJML attributes on the one component.

    An mj-all is like the above, but affects all MJML components via the one tag.

    mj-class tags create a named group of MJML attributes you can apply to MJML components. To apply them, use mj-class="<name>".

          <mj-text padding="0" />
          <mj-class name="blue" color="blue" />
          <mj-class name="big" font-size="20px" />
          <mj-all font-family="Arial" />
            <mj-text mj-class="blue big">
              Hello World!

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    This tag allows you to control on which breakpoint the layout should go desktop/mobile.

        <mj-breakpoint width="320px" />
              Hello World!

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    attribute unit description default value
    width px breakpoint's value n/a


    This tag imports fonts. The tag has effect only if the template uses the font, too. The href attribute points to a hosted css file; that file contains a @font-face declaration. Example: https://fonts

         <mj-font name="Raleway"
           href="" />
             <mj-text font-family="Raleway, Arial">
               Hello World!

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    attribute unit description default value
    href string URL of a hosted CSS file n/a
    name string name of the font n/a


    This tag allows you to add custom attributes on any html tag of the generated html, using css selectors. It's not needed for most email creations, but can be useful in some cases, i.e. editable templates.

          <mj-selector path=".custom div">
            <mj-html-attribute name="data-id">42</mj-html-attribute>
            <mj-text css-class="custom">
              Hello World!

    In the generated html, a mj-text becomes a td, and a div inside this td. In this example, the td will have the class="custom". Using the css selector path=".custom div", the div inside the td will get the attribute data-id="42".

    To use this component, you will likely have to look at the generated html to see where exactly are the css-class applied, to know which css selector you need to use to add your custom attribute on the right html tag.

    You can use multiple mj-selector inside a mj-html-attributes, and multiple mj-html-attribute inside a mj-selector.

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    This tag allows you to set the preview that will be displayed in the inbox of the recipient.

        <mj-preview>Hello MJML</mj-preview>
              Hello World!           

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    mj-preview doesn't support any attribute.


    This tag allows you to set CSS styles that will be applied to the HTML in your MJML document as well as the HTML outputted. The CSS styles will be added to the head of the rendered HTML by default, but can also be inlined by using the inline="inline" attribute.

    Here is an example showing the use in combination with the css-class attribute, which is supported by all body components.

          <mj-class name="mjclass" color="green" font-size="30px" />
        <mj-style inline="inline">
          .blue-text div {
            color: blue !important;
          .red-text div {
            color: red !important;
            text-decoration: underline !important;
            <mj-text css-class="red-text">I'm red and underlined</mj-text>
            <mj-text css-class="blue-text">I'm blue because of inline</mj-text>
            <mj-text mj-class="mjclass">I'm green</mj-text>

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    attribute unit description default value
    inline string set to "inline" to inline styles n/a


    Defines the document's title that browsers show in the title bar or a page's tab.

        <mj-title>Hello MJML</mj-title>
              Hello World!

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    Standard Body components

    MJML comes out of the box with a set of standard components to help you build easily your first templates without having to reinvent the wheel.



    mj-accordion is an interactive MJML component to stack content in tabs, so the information is collapsed and only the titles are visible. Readers can interact by clicking on the tabs to reveal the content, providing a great experience on mobile devices where space is scarce.

          <mj-accordion border="none" padding="1px" />
          <mj-accordion-element icon-wrapped-url="" icon-unwrapped-url="" icon-height="24px" icon-width="24px" />
          <mj-accordion-title font-family="Roboto, Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" background-color="#fff" color="#031017" padding="15px" font-size="18px" />
          <mj-accordion-text font-family="Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" background-color="#fafafa" padding="15px" color="#505050" font-size="14px" />
        <mj-section padding="20px" background-color="#ffffff">
          <mj-column background-color="#dededd">
                <mj-accordion-title>Why use an accordion?</mj-accordion-title>
                  <span style="line-height:20px">
                    Because emails with a lot of content are most of the time a very bad experience on mobile, mj-accordion comes handy when you want to deliver a lot of information in a concise way.
                <mj-accordion-title>How it works</mj-accordion-title>
                  <span style="line-height:20px">
                    Content is stacked into tabs and users can expand them at will. If responsive styles are not supported (mostly on desktop clients), tabs are then expanded and your content is readable at once.


    attribute unit description default value
    border string CSS border format 2px solid black
    container-background-color n/a background-color of the cell n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family n/a font Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    icon-align n/a icon alignment middle
    icon-height px icon width 32px
    icon-position n/a display icon left or right right
    icon-unwrapped-alt n/a alt text when accordion is unwrapped -
    icon-unwrapped-url n/a icon when accordion is unwrapped
    icon-width px icon height 32px
    icon-wrapped-alt n/a alt text when accordion is wrapped +
    icon-wrapped-url n/a icon when accordion is wrapped
    padding px padding 10px 25px
    padding-bottom px padding bottom n/a
    padding-left px padding left n/a
    padding-right px padding right n/a
    padding-top px padding top n/a


    Creates an accordion title/text pair. An accordion can have any number of these pairs.

    attribute unit description default value
    background-color n/a background color n/a
    border n/a border affects each horizontal border in the accordion except the top one
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family n/a font Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    icon-align n/a icon alignment middle
    icon-height n/a icon width 32px
    icon-position n/a display icon left or right right
    icon-unwrapped-alt n/a alt text when accordion is unwrapped -
    icon-unwrapped-url n/a icon when accordion is unwrapped
    icon-width n/a icon height 32px
    icon-wrapped-alt n/a alt text when accordion is wrapped +
    icon-wrapped-url n/a icon when accordion is wrapped


    The title in a title/text pair.

    attribute unit description default value
    background-color n/a background color n/a
    color n/a text color n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family n/a font family Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px font size 13px
    padding px padding 16px
    padding-bottom px padding bottom n/a
    padding-left px padding left n/a
    padding-right px padding right n/a
    padding-top px padding top n/a


    The text in a title/text pair.

    attribute unit description default value
    background-color n/a background color n/a
    color n/a text color n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family n/a font family Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px font size 13px
    font-weight number text thickness n/a
    letter-spacing px,em letter spacing none
    line-height px space between the lines 1
    padding px padding 16px
    padding-bottom px padding bottom n/a
    padding-left px padding left n/a
    padding-right px padding right n/a
    padding-top px padding top n/a



    Displays a customizable button.

            <mj-button font-family="Helvetica" background-color="#f45e43" color="white">
              Don't click me!

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    attribute unit description default value
    align string horizontal alignment center
    background-color color button background-color #414141
    border string css border format none
    border-bottom string css border format n/a
    border-left string css border format n/a
    border-radius px border radius 3px
    border-right string css border format n/a
    border-top string css border format n/a
    color color text color #ffffff
    container-background-color color button container background color n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family string font name Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px text size 13px
    font-style string normal/italic/oblique n/a
    font-weight number text thickness normal
    height px button height n/a
    href link link to be triggered when the button is clicked n/a
    inner-padding px inner button padding 10px 25px
    letter-spacing px,em letter-spacing n/a
    line-height px/%/none line-height on link 120%
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 10px 25px
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    padding-top px top offset n/a
    rel string specify the rel attribute for the button link n/a
    target string specify the target attribute for the button link _blank
    text-align string text-align button content none
    text-decoration string underline/overline/none none
    text-transform string capitalize/uppercase/lowercase none
    title string tooltip & accessibility n/a
    vertical-align string vertical alignment middle
    width px button width n/a


    mj-carousel displays a gallery of images or "carousel". Readers can interact by hovering and clicking on thumbnails depending on the email client they use.

    This component enables you to set the styles of the carousel elements.

              <mj-carousel-image src="" />
              <mj-carousel-image src="" />
              <mj-carousel-image src="" />


    attribute unit description default value
    align string horizontal alignment center
    container-background-color string column background color none
    border-radius px border radius n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    icon-width px width of the icons on left and right of the main image 44px
    left-icon url icon on the left of the main image
    right-icon url icon on the right of the main image
    tb-border css border format border of the thumbnails none
    tb-border-radius px border-radius of the thumbnails none
    tb-hover-border-color string css border color of the hovered thumbnail none
    tb-selected-border-color string css border color of the selected thumbnail none
    tb-width px thumbnail width null
    thumbnails String display or not the thumbnails (visible hidden)

    This component enables you to add and style the images in the carousel.

    attribute unit description default value
    alt string image description ''
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    href url link to redirect to on click n/a
    rel string specify the rel attribute n/a
    src url image source n/a
    target string link target on click _blank
    thumbnails-src url image source to have a thumbnail different than the image it's linked to null
    title string tooltip & accessibility n/a


    Columns enable you to horizontally organize the content within your sections. They must be located under mj-section tags in order to be considered by the engine. To be responsive, columns are expressed in terms of percentage.

    Every single column has to contain something because they are responsive containers, and will be vertically stacked on a mobile view. Any standard component, or component that you have defined and registered, can be placed within a column – except mj-column or mj-section elements.

            <!-- Your first column -->
            <!-- Your second column -->

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    attribute unit description default attributes
    background-color color background color for a column n/a
    inner-background-color color requires: a padding, inner background color for column n/a
    border string css border format none
    border-bottom string css border format n/a
    border-left string css border format n/a
    border-right string css border format n/a
    border-top string css border format n/a
    border-radius percent/px border radius n/a
    inner-border string css border format n/a
    inner-border-bottom string css border format ; requires a padding n/a
    inner-border-left string css border format ; requires a padding n/a
    inner-border-right string css border format ; requires a padding n/a
    inner-border-top string css border format ; requires a padding n/a
    inner-border-radius percent/px border radius ; requires a padding n/a
    width percent/px column width (100 / number of non-raw elements in section)%
    vertical-align string middle/top/bottom (note: middle works only when adjacent mj-column is also set to middle) top
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters n/a
    padding-top px section top offset n/a
    padding-bottom px section bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px section left offset n/a
    padding-right px section right offset n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a


    Displays a horizontal divider that can be customized like a HTML border.

            <mj-divider border-width="1px" border-style="dashed" border-color="lightgrey" />

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    attribute unit description default value
    align string left/right/center center
    border-color color divider color #000000
    border-style string dashed/dotted/solid solid
    border-width px divider's border width 4px
    container-background-color color inner element background color n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 10px 25px
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    padding-top px top offset n/a
    width px/percent divider width 100%


    easy and quick; responsive

    easy and quick; responsive

    mj-group allows you to prevent columns from stacking on mobile. To do so, wrap the columns inside a mj-group tag, so they'll stay side by side on mobile.

              <mj-image width="137px" height="185px" padding="0"    src="" />
              <mj-text align="center">
                <h2>Easy and quick</h2>
                <p>Write less code, save time and code more efficiently with MJML’s semantic syntax.</p>
              <mj-image width="166px" height="185px" padding="0" src="" />
              <mj-text align="center">
                <p>MJML is responsive by design on most-popular email clients, even Outlook.</p>

    try it live

    attribute unit description default attributes
    width percent/px group width (100 / number of non-raw elements in section)%
    vertical-align string middle/top/bottom top
    background-color string background color for a group n/a
    direction ltr / rtl set the display order of direct children ltr
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a


    This element displays a hero image. It behaves like an mj-section with a single mj-column.

    background-height and background-width attributes are mandatory.

    It's best to use an image with width the same as the mj-body width (width="600px" by default). For better results, it's best to use an image with height the same or larger than the height of mj-hero.

    Use background-color to provide a fallback color in case an email client doesn't support background-url.

    Fixed height

    demo background picture with fixed height

          padding="100px 0px">
            GO TO SPACE
          <mj-button href="" align="center">

    try it live

    Fluid height

    demo background picture with fixed height

          padding="100px 0px">
            GO TO SPACE
          <mj-button href="" align="center">

    try it live

    attribute unit description default value
    background-color color hero background color #ffffff
    background-height px height of the image used, mandatory none
    background-position top/center/bottom left/center/right background image position center center
    background-url url absolute background url n/a
    background-width px width of the image used, mandatory parent element width
    border-radius px border radius n/a
    height px hero section height (required for fixed-height mode) 0px
    mode fluid-height/fixed-height choose if the height is fixed based on the height attribute or fluid fluid-height
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 0px
    padding-bottom px bottom offset 0px
    padding-left px left offset 0px
    padding-right px right offset 0px
    padding-top px top offset 0px
    vertical-align top/middle/bottom content vertical alignment top


    Displays a responsive image in your email. It is similar to the HTML <img /> tag. Note that if no width is provided, the image will use the parent column width.

            <mj-image width="300px" src="" />

    try it live

    attribute unit description default value
    align position image alignment center
    alt string image description ''
    border string css border definition none
    border-top string css border definition none
    border-bottom string css border definition none
    border-left string css border definition none
    border-right string css border definition none
    border-radius px border radius n/a
    container-background-color color inner element background color n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    fluid-on-mobile string if "true", will be full width on mobile even if width is set n/a
    height px image height auto
    href url link to redirect to on click n/a
    name string specify the link name attribute n/a
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 10px 25px
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    padding-top px top offset n/a
    rel string specify the rel attribute n/a
    sizes media query & width set width based on query n/a
    src url image source n/a
    srcset url & width enables to set a different image source based on the viewport n/a
    target string link target on click _blank
    title string tooltip & accessibility n/a
    usemap string reference to image map, be careful, it isn't supported everywhere n/a
    width px image width parent width


    example desktop width navbar

    Displays a menu for navigation with an optional hamburger mode for mobile devices.

        <mj-section background-color="#ef6451">
            <mj-navbar base-url="" hamburger="hamburger" ico-color="#ffffff">
                <mj-navbar-link href="/gettings-started-onboard" color="#ffffff">Getting started</mj-navbar-link>
                <mj-navbar-link href="/try-it-live" color="#ffffff">Try it live</mj-navbar-link>
                <mj-navbar-link href="/templates" color="#ffffff">Templates</mj-navbar-link>
                <mj-navbar-link href="/components" color="#ffffff">Components</mj-navbar-link>

    try it live


    Individual links of the menu should be wrapped inside mj-navbar.

    Standard Desktop:

    example desktop width navbar

    Standard Mobile:

    example mobile width navbar

    Mode hamburger enabled:

    hamburger mode animation shows menu expansion after clicking hamburger icon

    attribute unit description default value
    align string align content left/center/right center
    base url string base url for children components n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    hamburger string activate the hamburger navigation on mobile if the value is hamburger n/a
    ico-align string hamburger icon alignment, left/center/right (hamburger mode required) center
    ico-close ASCII code decimal char code for a custom close icon (hamburger mode required) 8855
    ico-color color format hamburger icon color (hamburger mode required) #000000
    ico-font-family string hamburger icon font (only on hamburger mode) Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    ico-font-size px hamburger icon size (hamburger mode required) 30px
    ico-line-height px hamburger icon line height (hamburger mode required) 30px
    ico-open ASCII code decimal char code for a custom open icon (hamburger mode required) 9776
    ico-padding px hamburger icon padding, supports up to 4 parameters (hamburger mode required) 10px
    ico-padding-bottom px hamburger icon bottom offset (hamburger mode required) 10px
    ico-padding-left px hamburger icon left offset (hamburger mode required) 10px
    ico-padding-right px hamburger icon right offset (hamburger mode required) 10px
    ico-padding-top px hamburger icon top offset (hamburger mode required) 10px
    ico-text-decoration string hamburger icon text decoration none/underline/overline/line-through (hamburger mode required) none
    ico-text-transform string hamburger icon text transformation none/capitalize/uppercase/lowercase (hamburger mode required) none

    This component should be used to display an individual link in the navbar.

    attribute unit description default value
    color color text color #000000
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family string font Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px text size 13px
    font-style string normal/italic/oblique n/a
    font-weight number text thickness n/a
    href string link to redirect to on click n/a
    letter-spacing px,em letter-spacing n/a
    line-height px space between the lines 22px
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 15px 10px
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    padding-top px top offset n/a
    rel string specify the rel attribute n/a
    target string link target on click n/a
    text-decoration string underline/overline/none n/a
    text-transform string capitalize/uppercase/lowercase/none uppercase


    Displays raw HTML that is not going to be parsed by the MJML engine. Anything left inside this tag should be raw, responsive HTML. If placed inside <mj-head>, its content will be added at the end of the <head>.

          <!-- Your content goes here -->

    try it live

    If you use mj-raw to add templating language, and use the minify option, you might get a Parsing error, especially when using the < character. You can tell the minifier to ignore some content by wrapping it between two <!-- htmlmin:ignore --> tags.

          <!-- htmlmin:ignore -->{% if foo < 5 %}<!-- htmlmin:ignore -->
          <!-- Some mjml section -->
          {% endif %}

    One more possible use of mj-raw is to add text at the beginning of the generated html, before the <!doctype html> line. For this you need to : - put the mj-raw inside the <mjml> tag, outside of mj-head and mj-body - add this attribute on this mj-raw : position="file-start"

    Note that if you put multiple lines in this mj-raw and use the minify option, these lines will be joined into a single line by the minifier. To prevent this you can wrap the content in <!-- htmlmin:ignore --> tags as explained above.

      <mj-raw position="file-start">This will be added at the beginning of the file</mj-raw>
        <!-- Your content goes here -->


    Sections are intended to be used as rows within your email. They will be used to structure the layout.

        <mj-section full-width="full-width" background-color="red">
          <!-- Your columns go here -->

    try it live

    The full-width property will be used to manage the background width. By default, it will be 600px. With the full-width property on, it will be changed to 100%.

    attribute unit description default value
    background-color color section color n/a
    background-position percent / 'left','top',... (2 values max) css background position (see outlook limitations below) top center
    background-position-x percent / keyword css background position x none
    background-position-y percent / keyword css background position y none
    background-repeat string css background repeat repeat
    background-size px/percent/'cover'/'contain' css background size auto
    background-url url background url n/a
    border string css border format none
    border-bottom string css border format n/a
    border-left string css border format n/a
    border-radius px border radius n/a
    border-right string css border format n/a
    border-top string css border format n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    direction ltr / rtl set the display order of direct children ltr
    full-width string make the section full-width n/a
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 20px 0
    padding-bottom px section bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px section left offset n/a
    padding-right px section right offset n/a
    padding-top px section top offset n/a
    text-align string css text-align center



    Displays calls-to-action for various social networks with their associated logo. You can add social networks with the mj-social-element tag.

            <mj-social font-size="15px" icon-size="30px" mode="horizontal">
              <mj-social-element name="facebook" href="">
              <mj-social-element name="google" href="">
              <mj-social-element name="twitter" href="">
              <mj-social-element name="x" href="">

    try it live

    attribute unit description default value
    align string left/right/center center
    border-radius px border radius 3px
    color color text color #333333
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    container-background-color color inner element background color n/a
    font-family string font name Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px/em font size 13px
    font-style string font style normal
    font-weight string font weight normal
    icon-height percent/px icon height, overrides icon-size icon-size
    icon-size percent/px icon size (width and height) 20px
    inner-padding px social network surrounding padding 4px
    line-height percent/px space between lines 22px
    mode string vertical/horizontal horizontal
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 10px 25px
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    padding-top px top offset n/a
    icon-padding px padding around the icons 0px
    text-padding px padding around the texts 4px 4px 4px 0
    text-decoration string underline/overline/none none


    This component enables you to display a given social network inside mj-social. Note that default icons are transparent, which allows background-color to actually be the icon color.

    attribute unit description default value
    align string left/right/center center
    alt string image alt attribute ''
    background-color color icon color Each social name has its own default
    border-radius px border radius 3px
    color color text color #333333
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family string font name Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px/em font size 13px
    font-style string font style normal
    font-weight string font weight normal
    href url button redirection url none
    icon-height percent/px icon height, overrides icon-size icon-size
    icon-size percent/px icon size (width and height) 20px
    line-height percent/px space between lines 22px
    name string social network name, see supported list below N/A
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 4px
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    padding-top px top offset n/a
    icon-padding px padding around the icon 0px
    icon-position string left/right right
    text-padding px padding around the text 4px 4px 4px 0
    sizes media query & width set icon width based on query n/a
    src url image source Each social name has its own default
    srcset url & width set a different image source based on the viewport n/a
    rel string specify the rel attribute for the link n/a
    target string link target _blank
    title string img title attribute none
    text-decoration string underline/overline/none none
    vertical-align string top/middle/bottom middle

    Supported networks with a share url: - facebook - twitter - x - google - pinterest - linkedin - tumblr - xing

    Without a share url: - github - instagram - web - snapchat - youtube - vimeo - medium - soundcloud - dribbble

    When using a network with share url, the href attribute will be inserted in the share url (i.e.[[URL]]). To keep your href unchanged, add -noshare to the network name. Example :

    <mj-social-element name="twitter-noshare" href="my-unchanged-url">Twitter</mj-social-element>

    Custom Social Element

    You can add any unsupported network like this:

    <mj-social-element href="url" background-color="#FF00FF" src="path-to-your-icon">
      Optional label

    You can also use mj-social this way with no href attribute to make a simple list of inlined images-texts.


    Displays a blank space.

            <mj-text>A first line of text</mj-text>
            <mj-spacer height="50px" />
            <mj-text>A second line of text</mj-text>

    try it live

    attribute unit description default value
    container-background-color color inner element background color n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    height px spacer height 20px
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters none
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    padding-top px top offset n/a


    This tag allows you to display table and filled it with data. It only accepts plain HTML.

              <tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #ecedee;text-align:left;padding:15px 0;">
                <th style="padding: 0 15px 0 0;">Year</th>
                <th style="padding: 0 15px;">Language</th>
                <th style="padding: 0 0 0 15px;">Inspired from</th>
                <td style="padding: 0 15px 0 0;">1995</td>
                <td style="padding: 0 15px;">PHP</td>
                <td style="padding: 0 0 0 15px;">C, Shell Unix</td>
                <td style="padding: 0 15px 0 0;">1995</td>
                <td style="padding: 0 15px;">JavaScript</td>
                <td style="padding: 0 0 0 15px;">Scheme, Self</td>

    try it live

    attribute unit description default value
    align left/right/center self horizontal alignment left
    border border table external border none
    cellpadding pixels space between cells n/a
    cellspacing pixels space between cell and border n/a
    color color text header & footer color #000000
    container-background-color color inner element background color n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    font-family string font name Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px font size 13px
    line-height percent/px space between lines 22px
    padding percent/px supports up to 4 parameters 10px 25px
    padding-bottom percent/px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left percent/px left offset n/a
    padding-right percent/px right offset n/a
    padding-top percent/px top offset n/a
    role none/presentation specify the role attribute n/a
    table-layout auto/fixed/initial/inherit sets the table layout. auto
    width percent/px table width 100%


    This tag allows you to display text and HTML in your email.

            <mj-text font-family="Helvetica" color="#F45E43">
              <p style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">Another paragraph</p>

    try it live

    attribute unit description default value
    color color text color #000000
    font-family string font Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
    font-size px text size 13px
    font-style string normal/italic/oblique n/a
    font-weight number text thickness n/a
    line-height px space between the lines 1
    letter-spacing px,em letter spacing none
    height px The height of the element n/a
    text-decoration string underline/overline/line-through/none n/a
    text-transform string uppercase/lowercase/capitalize n/a
    align string left/right/center/justify left
    container-background-color color inner element background color n/a
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 10px 25px
    padding-top px top offset n/a
    padding-bottom px bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px left offset n/a
    padding-right px right offset n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a



    Wrapper enables to wrap multiple sections together. It's especially useful to achieve nested layouts with shared border or background images across sections.

        <mj-wrapper border="1px solid #000000" padding="50px 30px">
          <mj-section border-top="1px solid #aaaaaa" border-left="1px solid #aaaaaa" border-right="1px solid #aaaaaa" padding="20px">
              <mj-image padding="0" src="" />
          <mj-section border-left="1px solid #aaaaaa" border-right="1px solid #aaaaaa" padding="20px" border-bottom="1px solid #aaaaaa">
            <mj-column border="1px solid #dddddd">
              <mj-text padding="20px"> First line of text </mj-text>
              <mj-divider border-width="1px" border-style="dashed" border-color="lightgrey" padding="0 20px" />
              <mj-text padding="20px"> Second line of text </mj-text>

    try it live

    The full-width property will be used to manage the background width. By default, it will be 600px. With the full-width property on, it will be changed to 100%.

    attribute unit description default value
    background-color color section color n/a
    background-position percent / 'left','top',... (2 values max) css background position (see outlook limitations in mj-section doc) top center
    background-position-x percent / keyword css background position x none
    background-position-y percent / keyword css background position y none
    background-repeat string css background repeat repeat
    background-size px/percent/'cover'/'contain' css background size auto
    background-url url background url n/a
    border string css border format none
    border-bottom string css border format n/a
    border-left string css border format n/a
    border-radius px border radius n/a
    border-right string css border format n/a
    border-top string css border format n/a
    css-class string class name, added to the root HTML element created n/a
    full-width string make the wrapper full-width n/a
    padding px supports up to 4 parameters 20px 0
    padding-bottom px section bottom offset n/a
    padding-left px section left offset n/a
    padding-right px section right offset n/a
    padding-top px section top offset n/a
    text-align string css text-align center

    Ending tags

    Some of the mjml components are "ending tags". These are mostly the components that will contain text contents, like mj-text or mj-buttons. These components can contain not only text, but also any HTML content, which will be completely unprocessed and left as it is. This means you cannot use other MJML components inside them, but you can use any HTML tag, like <img> or <a>.

    This has a little downside : The content is not modified at all, this means that the text won't be escaped, so if you use characters that are used to define html tags in your text, like < or >, you should use the encoded characters &lt; and &lt;. If you don't, sometimes the browser can be clever enough to understand that you're not really trying to open/close an html tag, and display the unescaped character as normal text, but this may cause problems in some cases. For instance, this will likely cause problems if you use the minify option, mj-html-attributes or an inline mj-style, because these require the html to be re-parsed internally. If you're just using the minify option, and really need to use the < > characters, i.e. for templating language, you can also avoid this problem by wrapping the troublesome content between two <!-- htmlmin:ignore --> tags.

    Here is the list of all ending tags : - mj-accordion-text - mj-accordion-title - mj-button - mj-navbar-link - mj-raw - mj-social-element - mj-text - mj-table

    Community components

    In addition to the standard components available in MJML, our awesome community is contributing by creating their own components.

    To use a community component, proceed as follows: - Install MJML locally with npm install mjml in a folder - Install the community component with npm install {component-name} in the same folder - Create a .mjmlconfig file in the same folder with:

      "packages": [

    Finally, you can now use the component in a MJML file, for example index.mjml, and run MJML locally in your terminal (make sure to be in the folder where you installed MJML and the community component): ./node_modules/.bin/mjml index.mjml.

    Ports and Language Bindings

    MJML is available for other platforms. The community has created ports to other platforms and wrappers for the official Node implementation. These contributions are not officially supported by the MJML teams.

    Rust: MRML

    This project is a reimplementation of the nice MJML markup language in Rust.

    Missing implementations / components:


    A blazingly-fast unofficial port of MJML 4 to .NET 6.

    Elixir: MJML (Rust NIFs for Elixir)

    Native Implemented Function (NIF) bindings for the MJML Rust implementation (mrml).

    Ruby: MRML Ruby

    Ruby wrapper for MRML, the MJML markup language implementation in Rust.

    React: mjml-react

    React components for MJML components.

    Python: mjml-python

    Python wrapper for MRML, the MJML markup language implementation in Rust.

    Python: mjml-python

    Python implementation for MJML.

    Python / Django: django-mjml

    The simplest way to use MJML in Django templates.

    PHP / Laravel: Laravel MJML

    Build responsive e-mails easily using MJML and Laravel Mailables.


    Thanks to image-charts for their contribution with this component. It's available on Github and NPM.

    mj-chart demo

    Displays charts as images in your email.


    This component displays Chart.js charts as images in your email. Chart.js is an open-source Javascript charting library.

    mj-chartjs is available on Github and NPM. By default, it uses the open-source QuickChart API for chart rendering.

    mj-chartjs demo


    This component displays QR codes in your email. It's available on Github and NPM.

    By default, mj-qr-code uses the open-source QuickChart QR code API.

    mj-qr-code demo


    Button that also use the VML solution for radius.

    This component can be usefull if you want to try an outlook proof adventure. The msobutton has exactly the same behaviours of the classic button but add three more attributes.

    attribute unit description default value
    mso-proof boolean Active the bulletproof mode false
    mso-width px The width of the VML solution 200px
    mso-height px The height of the VML solution 40px

    More important, these 3 new attributes allow mjml to generate a bulletproof button with radius and stroke with the same method that you can see here, including the alignment.

    It's available on Github and NPM.


    Use it like an mj-button: html <mj-msobutton mso-proof="true">Click !</mj-msobutton>

    Problems that you should know

    This outlook solution isn't really bulletproof. 1. This cannot be used with an image in background 2. It creates a duplication of code in the HTML 3. The width and the height cannot be used with the auto value

    Sample project on github here

    Validating MJML

    MJML provides a validation layer that helps you building your email. It can detect if you misplaced or mispelled a MJML component, or if you used any unauthorised attribute on a specific component. It supports 3 levels of validation:

    By default, the level is set to soft.

    In CLI

    When using the mjml command line, you can add the option -c.validationLevel or --config.validationLevel with the validation level you want.

    Set the validation level to skip (so that the file is not validated) and render the file

    mjml --config.validationLevel=skip template.mjml

    Alternatively, you can just validate file without rendering it by add ing the --validate option

    mjml --validate template.mjml

    In Javascript

    In Javascript, you can provide the level through the options parameters on mjml2html. Ex: mjml2html(inputMJML, { validationLevel: 'strict' })

    strict will raise a MJMLValidationError exception. This object has 2 methods:
    * getErrors returns an array of objects with line, message, tagName as well as a formattedMessage which contains the line, message and tagName concatenated in a sentence.
    * getMessages returns an array of formattedMessage.

    When using soft, no exception will be raised. You can get the errors in the object returned by mjml2html. It is the same object returned by getErrors on strict mode.

    Creating a Component

    One of the great advantages of MJML is that it's component-based. Components abstract complex patterns and can easily be reused. In addition to the standard library of components, it is also possible to create your own components!

    We have published a step-by-step guide here that explains how to create a custom components with MJML 4. It will introduce to you the boilerplate repo hosted on Github, which provides a fast way of getting started developing your own components.

    Using MJML in JSON

    MJML can not only be used as a markup, but also as a JSON object, which can be very useful for programmatic manipulation or with the MJML API.

    With the JSON format, a MJML component is defined as an object with the following properties:

    Exactly like using MJML as a markup, the JSON definition can be passed as an object to the mjml2html function. Here is working example:

    var mjml2html = require('mjml')
        tagName: 'mjml',
        attributes: {},
        children: [{
            tagName: 'mj-body',
            attributes: {},
            children: [{
                tagName: 'mj-section',
                attributes: {},
                children: [{
                    tagName: 'mj-column',
                    attributes: {},
                    children: [{
                        tagName: 'mj-image',
                        attributes: {
                            'width': '100px',
                            'src': '/assets/img/logo-small.png'
                        tagName: 'mj-divider',
                        attributes: {
                            'border-color' : '#F46E43'
                        tagName: 'mj-text',
                        attributes: {
                            'font-size': '20px',
                            'color': '#F45E43',
                            'font-family': 'Helvetica'
                        content: 'Hello World'


    In order to provide you with the best experience with MJML and help you use it more efficiently, we've developed some tools to integrate it seamlessly in your development workflow:

    Visual Studio Code

    Visual Studio Code is a free code editor made by Microsoft. We recommend this package as it is among the most feature-rich MJML plugins for code editors with live previews, syntax highlighting and linting as well as export features including HTML and screenshots. It is available on Github and through the Visual Studio Marketplace.


    Parcel is the code editor built for email. This feature packed tool includes syntax highlighting, Emmet, inline documentation, autocomplete, live preview, screenshots, and full MJML, CSS, and HTML validation. Use Focus Mode to keep the preview aligned with the code you're working on, or Inspect Element to easily find the code that produces specific elements in the preview. Export MJML to HTML with a click.

    Atom language plugin

    Atom is a powerful text editor originally released by Github. This package provides autocompletion and syntax highlighting for MJML. It is available on Github and through the Atom Package Manager (APM).

    Atom linter

    In addition to the language plugin, a linter is available to highlight errors in MJML. The linter is available on Github and through the Atom Package Manager (APM).

    Sublime Text

    Sublime Text is a powerful text editor. We're providing you with a package to color MJML tags. It is available on Github and through the Sublime Package Control.

    IntelliJ IDEA Plugin - MJML Support

    IntelliJ IDEA is an IDE developed by JetBrains. The plugin provides you with a (near) realtime preview, auto complete, inline documentation and code analysis. Its available on the JetBrains Marketplace.

    Gradle Plugin - MJML Compilation

    Gradle is a build tool for a various set of languages and environments, mainly used for java/kotlin. The plugin provides an easy way to embed your mjml templates to your java/kotlin application in its resources in precompiled form (html). It's available through the gradle plugin system and documentation is available here FreeFair User Guide


    Gulp is a tool designed to help you automate and enhance your workflow. Our plugin enables you to plug the MJML translation engine into your workflow, helping you to streamline your development workflow. It is available here on Github

    Neos CMS

    Neos CMS is a content management system that combines structured content with application. This package adds the helper for compiling MJML markup as well as some prototypes which allow to use TailwindCSS like classes in your MJML markup. It is available on packagist


    Easy-email is a Drag-and-Drop Email Editor based on MJML. Transform structured JSON data into major email clients compatible HTML. Written in Typescript and supported both in browser and Node.js.

    Contribute to the MJML ecosystem

    The MJML ecosystem is still young and we're also counting on your help to help us make it grow and provide its community with even more awesome tools, always aiming to making development with MJML an efficient and fun process!

    Getting involved is really easy. If you want to contribute, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull-request!

    Drag-and-drop interface

    Would you rather use a friendly drag-and-drop interface rather than coding? Try Passport, the email builder based on MJML!